Ultimate Health Challenge

Learn 7 life transforming habits in 21 days

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200,000+ people have already attended
Start Date
11th Nov, 2024
6 to 7 AM (IST) or
8 to 9 AM (IST) or
4 to 5 PM (IST) or
8 to 9 PM (IST)
21 Days

What's Included?

1 Hour Recorded Session Every Morning

Every session will be a fresh, inspiring, power packed experience including deep knowledge, experiential activities, engaging stories, and practical tips.

Holistic Health Knowledge

This is a course designed to transform every aspect of your health - physical body, food, sleep, movement, purpose, relationships, and service to others.

Learn by Doing, not Just Theory

You may have seen hundreds of health videos before, but perhaps you've been unable to actually implement the learnings in your life. This course is different. Here, we will actually practice what you learn.

Community of Thousands of People

In your 21 day journey, you will have a beautiful community of like minded people from all across the world taking the challenge with you, to keep you motivated.

Handwritten Notes and Q&A’s For Every Session

On our app, you will find detailed notes for each session, hundreds of commonly asked questions & answers and additional resources for extra learning.

Benefits You Will Gain by taking this challenge

Reach your
ideal weight
Gain full control
over cravings
Follow a food plan
that's practical
Gain much more
energy in the day
Experience more
mental clarity
Get deeper
sleep at night

What are the 7 Habits I will learn?

Habit 1 - Cleansing
Experience the two most practical ways of detoxifying your body everyday.
Habit 2 - Food
Understand what food the human body is designed to eat.
Habit 3 - Sleep
Learn practical tips as to how you can deepen your sleep.
Habit 4 - Movement
Build a consistent exercise routine that you can actually follow.
Habit 5 - Relationships
Learn how to improve your existing relationships and fix the strained ones.
Habit 6 - Purpose
We are all sent to this Earth with an intention. Find out yours!
Habit 7 - Surprise!
Join the challenge to know more.

People are saying

200,071+ people have already completed the Ultimate Health Challenge
Highlighted review
Samta Kumar
42, Noida
Star Star Star Star Star
Due to hypothyroidism, my weight had been stuck for a long time. Within just 3 weeks of the workshop, my weight got reduced. I also had severe constipation, but it is no longer an issue. I couldn't sleep deeply at night. But now, I can sleep deeply. This workshop is a life-transforming challenge.
Highlighted review
Samta Kumar
42, Noida
Star Star Star Star Star
Due to hypothyroidism, my weight had been stuck for a long time. Within just 3 weeks of the workshop, my weight got reduced. I also had severe constipation, but it is no longer an issue. I couldn't sleep deeply at night. But now, I can sleep deeply. This workshop is a life-transforming challenge.
Star Star Star Star Star
Saravanapriya Panneerselvam
18, Salem, Tamil Nadu
I lost 3 kgs in 3 weeks of this workshop. But actually, I got so much more than just the weight loss. I just want to say, if you want to transform your life into a happier, healthier one, just join the Ultimate Health Challenge
Star Star Star Star Star
Yatendra Solanki
47, Mumbai
All my life, my mom told me to wake up early. After attending this workshop, I understood WHY I should wake up early. I now wake up at 4:30 am every day
Star Star Star Star Star
Anju Chandora
26, Jaipur
During my periods I used to get a lot of pimples on my face. After attending this workshop, this was the first time that I did not have a single pimple on my face.
Star Star Star Star Star
Disha Mehta
30, Vadodara, Gujarat
The cost is nothing against the knowledge I’ve gained from the challenge. This workshop is unbelievably amazing. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Who is this for?


For Working Professionals

You live a very busy life and have no time to spend on your health? Well, this workshop is for you. By spending just 60 minutes every morning, you can transform your life!

For Homemakers

Always taking care of others but forget to do something meaningful for your own health? Well, it's time to focus on yourself so you can better support your family.

For Students Wanting Better Focus

If you're focusing on self growth and personal development, and want unwavering attention and high levels of energy to accomplish your goals, this challenge is for you!

For Parents

Not sure how to pass on great health habits to your children? In this challenge, you will learn about simple secrets of health that will improve your full family's health.

For Teenagers & Young Adults

You will learn simple habits that will help you lead a disease-free life even when you grow up. This challenge will help you think about health beyond the physical level.

For Spiritual Seekers

You are spiritually inclined but unhappy with your progress? Well, this course will teach you the basics of how to maintain a clean body and mind for fastest spiritual growth.

Who this program is not for

The meal plan followed in this challenge will not be sufficient for:

Pregnant or
breastfeeding mothers


Elderly citizens
above age 60


below age 14


Those not serious
about their health


An online challenge is a way for participants in many different locations to come together to create an online community and achieve a goal together - in this case it is to move towards our ultimate health.

Once you register, we will share the details with you on your whatsapp and email address. The joining process is very easy.

Yes, we will be providing 24-hour access to the session recordings. If you're unable to attend the live sessions at 6 AM, 8 AM, 4 PM, or 8 PM (IST), you can watch the recording at your convenience anytime within 24 hours after the session. This way, you can easily stay on track with the challenge.

The course will be held on the Satvic App. You won't need to switch on your camera or mic. We'll share all the details about accessing the course 7 days before it starts.

The charges for this workshop are 990 rupees (Rs. 839 + GST).

Yes, you can join using your phone. However, it is advisable to join using a laptop for the best learning experience.

As soon as you register you will receive an email and a whatsapp message with the confirmation details.

We encourage you to try your best to join all the sessions, as you'll experience the real benefit by participating fully. However, if you miss a session, don't worry! We provide 24-hour access to the session recordings. Additionally, detailed notes for each session will be available on our app. You can watch the recording at your convenience and attend the next session on time to stay on track.
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About the Hosts

Subah Saraf

Subah is an acclaimed health educator, published author and co-founder of the health education platform 'Satvic Movement'. Subah's journey into health began after she healed her own chronic diseases by following natural healing principles. At the young age of 17, she decided to devote her life to the purpose of uplifting people's health, and trained to become a holistic health educator. She learnt the science of 'nature cure' under the guidance of multiple Indian masters. Subah's goal is to share this intricate ancient knowledge, adjusted to contemporary lifestyles, with as many people as possible, using all the tools that current day technology has to offer.

Himadri Pareek

Himadri, is a young and dynamic Satvic health educator from Jaipur and has been a part of the Satvic Team for more than 2 years. She trained intensively to be an educator and she currently leads the 4-hour Health Transformation Workshops, 3-Day Juice Fast and now co-hosts the Ultimate Health Challenge along with Subah. Till date, Himadri has hosted more workshops for over 6000 people. She chose the path of natural healing when she saw immense improvement in her father's health. That inspired her to make this the purpose of her own life : to share health wisdom with the world in easily, applicable terms.

Register Now

Date 11th Nov - 1st Dec everyday Date 6 - 7 AM (IST) or 8 - 9 AM (IST) or 4 - 5 PM (IST) or 8 - 9 PM (IST) Date Contribution: Rs: 990

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Contribution: ₹ 990

Health Challenge

Date 11th Nov - 1st Dec Date 6 - 7 AM (IST) or 8 - 9 AM (IST) or 4 - 5 PM (IST) or 8 - 9 PM (IST) Date Contribution: Rs: 990 Register DateHigh energy and focus DateReach your optimal weight DateEat and sleep better
Date 200,000+ people have already attended

Ultimate Health Challenge

RupeeContribution: Rs: 990 Group200,000+ attended